Black Wedding Gowns are In

Inserito da Ellery Sterling il giorno

black wedding gown aesthetic

Over the past couple years(has it really been that long??), COVID-19 has shut down and changed so many different aspects of life. This includes wedding plans. With venues and such being cancelled, couples have been forced to postpone their plans of sealing the deal. In the midst of everything going on, traditions and what is really important in this life have been questioned. A white wedding dress? Not necessary. What is important is getting to marry the person you love and spending forever with them. Why not get married in the color you love the most or look the best in? Black wedding dresses have been trending, and it is obvious as to why. They look gorgeous on and they look great in photos. Featured in the photo is one of our beautiful clients, @villainessbeauty13, rocking her custom dress! We were so happy to make their dreams come true and look forward to creating our next clients dream vision. 

Mia Bella Couture